Friday, July 16, 2010

No Relaxer

So I went to the beautyshop yesterday. I didn't get a relaxer. I told my beautician that I decided to grow my perm out and she said "O ok. good luck, I tried that and my hair ended up all different lengths because of the breakage." In my mind I'm thinking WOW what kind of support/encouragement is that! Clearly she's another reason why I've been going back and forth about going natural.
Sometimes I feel she is so limited on the things she knows how to do and not knowledgeable about new practices that are out there for hair care. I'm soooo deprived! I've been going to her for almost 6 years. Why? Cause I don't like changing or hopping from beautician to beautician and I had formed a relationship with her. Plus she doesn't mind me taking the comb (or curling iron) from her and showing her what I want her to do. LOL

Ok so the breakage she speaks of is a true possibility, but I told her my goal was to keep it moisturized throughout my transition.

Schooling You:

The relaxer breaks down the texture and coil in coarse hair. When new growth comes in, it makes a weak spot between where the relaxed hair is and the new hair begins. The line where these two textures meet is called the line of DEMARCATION. This is the weakest part of a hair strand. It's like the two textures fight against each other at this point and the weaker of the two loses; the relaxed hair. This is where the hair breaks off.
Now we've all learned something today. (Thank you and

So anyway, I got a roller set. I don't really like it cause my roots are way thick and the new growth doesn't look nice and smooth. I will wash my hair on Tuesday after the gym so I only have to deal with it a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Wow does sound like you will be treading this journey, alone so to speak, until you find the courage to trust another beautician! Yet, I can tell in spite of her psuedo-encouragement, you've made up your mind! You will do this...and successfully. I know it! I also LOVE the education you are sharing with us as well...keep it up!!!
